Terms & Conditions:
1. Admission, Registration and security fees have to be paid on the time of admission. Rest of the fees can be paid on Quarterly or annual basis
Ø First Quarter – April to June
Ø Second Quarter – July to September
Ø Third Quarter – October to December
Ø Fourth Quarter- January to March
2. Fees for each quarter must be paid before the 15th of the first month of the Quarter.
3. Late fees will be charged at the rate of Rs 50/- per day after 15th of the first month.
4. If the fee is not paid even on completion of first month of the quarter, the student’s name will be automatically struck of the Roll’s. Thereafter re-admission fees of Rs. 3000/- will be charged besides regular quarterly fees and late fees.
5. In case a cheque fails to clear a penalty of Rs. 500/- will be charged, along with any late fees as applicable. In case of two cheque bounce in an academic session no further cheque will be accepted and payment will be accepted only in cash/Demand Draft.
6. If student damages any property of the school the amount damaged will be deducted from the security fees automatically. In case the amount exceeds the security the payment will have to be made within a week of the notice.
7. Formal admission of a student is complete only after Admission fees and one quarter fees have been paid besides necessary following documents furnished by the parents/guardians
8. Fees in non- refundable under any circumstances whatsoever.