Our beloved motherland got freedom from the Clutches of Britishers on 15/August/1947. That Midnight will be etched in our memories …

From Playgroup to Class 12th, Affiliated to CISCE, New Delhi
Our beloved motherland got freedom from the Clutches of Britishers on 15/August/1947. That Midnight will be etched in our memories …
Republic Day is a national holiday in India. It honours the date on which the Constitution of India came into …
Life without music is like a river without water! VGS has separate Music as well as Dance Room with instructors …
All national functions and festivals are celebrated at VGS with zest and vigor. Children just need a reason to celebrate …
Extracurricular Activities or Extra Academic Activity (EAA)The school calendar incorporates number of extracurricular activities in diverse forms such as sports, …
VGS Students from Nursery, KG & Prep went to Naqvi Park for a daytime picnic on 7th February 2020. Young …
Class 11th Organized Farewell Party for 12th class, the outgoing batch of 2019-20 on 15th January, 2020