Dear All,
We are extremely cautious of any copyright issues. However in these extreme times, our aim is to provide maximum material to students to continue their education. We have asked our staff to assist in uploading resources.
In case of any infringement of copyright kindly inform at for further action.

Books related to Child Development, Psychology, & Character Building

Books are definitely one of the man’s best friend. We have curated a list of books which are MUST READ for all of you. Check the list. Many of them are available in our Library. Feel free to borrow one today. We firmly believe knowledge is for sharing!

TED Talks

TED ( Technology, Entertainment, Design ) Talks are influential videos from expert speakers on education, business, science, tech and creativity, with subtitles in 100+ languages. We have curated few talks relevant to education, child development & parenting. A must hear for all.

Few Resources for Storybooks
Few Resources for Ebooks/Materials
Links for Newspapers/Magazines/Periodicals
Suggested Video Clippings/Movies/ Shows
Suggested Books/Articles/Websites